学术论文: |
1.Junpeng Liu, Suli Liu, Huilai Li, Controllability result of nonlinear higher order fractional damped dynamical system, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 10 (2017), 325-337, SCI. 2.Suli Liu, Huilai Li, Qun Dai, Junpeng Liu, Existence and uniqueness results for nonlocal integral boundary value problems for fractional differential equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2016, (1) 122, SCI. 3.Suli Liu, Huilai Li, Extremal system of solutions for a coupled system of nonlinear fractional differential equations by monotone iterative method, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 9 (2016), 3310-3318, SCI. 4.Qun Dai, Huilai Li, Suli Liu, Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a System of Multi-order Fractional Differential Equations, Communications in Mathematical Research, 32 (3) (2016), 249-258. 5.Zhigang Wang, Huilai Li, Fixed point theorems and endpoint theorems for (α,ψ)-Meir-Keeler-Khan multivalued mappings, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, December 2016, 2016:12. 6.Mingjun Zhou, Huilai Li, Wei Guo, Xu Zhou, Critical Fujita exponents to a class of non-Newtonian filtration equations with fast diffusion, Boundary Value Problems, December 2016, 2016:146, SCI 7.Suli Liu, Huilai Li, Qun Dai, Nonlinear fractional differential equations with nonlocal integral boundary conditions, Advances in Difference Equations, 2015, (1) 187, SCI. 8.Huilai Li, Xinyue Wang, Yuanyuan Nie, Hong He, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Adgenerate Quasilinear Parabolic Equation with a Gradient Term, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2015, No. 298, pp. 1-12, SCI. 9.Ruifeng Wu, Huilai Li, Tieru Wu, A family of Modified Even Order Bernoulli-Type Multiquadric Quasi-Interpolants with Any Degree Polynomial Reproduction Property, J. Appl. Math.,2014, ID: 389215, 14 pages, SCI. 10.Ruifeng Wu, Tieru Wu, Huilai Li, A family of multivariate multiquadric quasi-interpolation operators with higher degree polynomial reproduction, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013, (274) 88-108, SCI. 11.Ying Wang, Huilai Li, Wanli Zuo, Fengling He, Research on Discovering Deep Web Entries Computer Science and Information System, 2011, (3) 779-799, SCI. 12.Jingxue Yin, Huilai Li, P. Y. H. Pang, Hongyu Wang, BV solutions of a singular diffusion equation, Mathematische Nachrichten, 253(2003),92-106, SCI. 13.Huilai Li, Junning Zhao, Regularity of Solutions for the Evolution p-Laplacian Equations, Northeast. Math. J., 25 (1) (2000), 96-98. 14.Huilai Li, P. Y. H. Pang, H. Y. Wang, On A Partial Differential Equation Arising in Electrodiffusion in Thin-Film Conductors, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 232, 20-33, 1999, SCI. 15.韩雪,李辉来,用单调迭代方法求解非线性分数阶微分方程,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2017 (1),1-6. 16.王晗,李辉来,一类非线性分数阶微分方程解的存在性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2016 (5),1039-1042. 17.王艺霖,李辉来,一类分数阶微分方程组极解的存在性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2016 (5),925-929. 18. 李雪梅,代群,李辉来, 一类具有初边值条件的非线性分数阶微分方程组解的存在性与唯一性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2015,(3) 363-366. 19. 刘素莉,李衍初,李辉来,非线性分数阶微分方程边值问题解的存在性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2015,(2) 194-198. 20. 代群,刘素莉,李辉来,非线性分数阶微分方程特征值问题正解的存在性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2015,(1) 1-4. 21.李雪梅,代群,李辉来,一类奇异非线性分数阶微分方程组正解的存在性与唯一性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2015,(2) 157-160. 22.李辉来,孙毅,科学完善综合性大学公共数学教学体系的改革与实践, 吉林广播电视大学学报, 2015,(9) 51-52. 23.代群,王长佳,李辉来,用变分迭代法解分数阶微分方程组, 韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2014,(5) 901-905. 24.孙仁龙,李辉来,中国教育与经济发展方式以及财政保障研究, 湖南社会科学,2014,(3) 159-161. 25.孙仁龙,李辉来,我国城乡居民消费结构的比较分析, 经济问题探索,2014,(1) 65-69. 26.袁缘,张诚斌,李辉来,给予跳扩散过程的一类期权定价模型, 韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2013,(2) 1671-5489. 27.李辉来,袁缘,关于高等学校数学文化教育的若干思考, 吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版),2012,(1) 20-23. 28.袁缘,李辉来,数学的逻辑思维在人类思维逻辑化过程中的作用, 数学教育学报,2012,(6) 23-26. 29.张诚斌,王顺体,李辉来,Brown运动和Possion过程共同驱动下的公司价值 韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2012,(5) 935-939. 30.代群,李辉来,对一个非线性分数阶微分方程组爆破解的研究,中国科学(数学),2012,(12) 1205-1212. 31.代群,李辉来,一类非线性分数阶微分方程组的爆破解,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2012,(1),1-5. 32.代群,李辉来,待定系数法解常系数齐次分数阶微分方程组,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2012,(3),377-380. 33.郭志东,张诚斌,李辉来,跳扩散模型下公司的债务价值与最优资本结构,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2012,(6) 115-1118. 34.代群,李辉来,几类线性分数阶微分方程解的结构,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2011,(4) 580-586. 35.孙跃刚,李辉来,Koblitz曲线密码中倍点运算算法的改进, 韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2009,(2),286-288. 36.李岩波,李辉来,具吸收项的发展型p-Laplace方程组解的存在惟一性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2008,(4), 579-586. 37.李岩波,李辉来,发展的p-Laplace方程解的障碍行为,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2008,(2), 234. 38.孙跃刚,李辉来,解常微分方程的勒让德小波算法,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2007,(6), 945-948. 39.王林君,张然,李辉来, 一类二阶两点奇异边值问题的数值近似,韦德官方网站学报(理学版), 2006,(3),377-380. 40.王颖,李辉来,陈殿友,七年制医科数学课程体系与教学内容的改革与研究,大学数学,2006,22 (4),14-17. 41.张魁元,李辉来,立足教育创新瞩目大学数学教育,大学数学,2004,20 (4),19-22. 42.Nonlinear Diffusion Equations, World Scientific Press, 2001. 43.刘则毅,荣喜民,杜忠复,李辉来,非线性椭圆方程边值问题的单重特征值的分歧,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),2000, (3),11-19. 44.李辉来,一类具测度系数抛物方程解的存在性,韦德官方网站学报(理学版),1998,(3),20-26. |