报告题目:Quantum symmetric spaces and Sklyanin determinants
报 告 人:Naihuan Jing
所在单位:North Carolina State University
报告时间:2024年7月14日 9:30-11:30
报告摘要: We study the invariant theory of quantum symmetric spaces of symplectic and orthogonal types. Explicitly the quantum symmetric spaces are realized as subrings of the quantum coordinate ring $M_q(N)$ where the relations are given by the quantum minors, Sklyanin determinants, and quantum Pfaffians. One of our results points out that the square of root of quantum determinant is essentially the Sklyanin determinant in a special case, answering a question of Noumi. This is joint work with Jian Zhang(张健).
报告人简介: 景乃桓,耶鲁大学博士,北卡州立大学终身教授。主要从事无限维李代数、量子群、表示论、代数组合和量子计算方面的研究工作。景乃桓教授在对称函数方面的研究成果被国际上命名为“景氏算子”,在国际主要数学刊物上发表近百篇论文,编辑著作5部。