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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium (2024-019)—A bialgebra theory for transposed Poisson algebras via anti-pre-Lie bialgebras and anti-pre-Lie-Poisson bialgebras

Posted: 2024-08-12   Views: 

报告题目:A bialgebra theory for transposed Poisson algebras via anti-pre-Lie bialgebras and anti-pre-Lie-Poisson bialgebras

报 告 人:Chengming Bai


报告时间:2024年8月13日 15:00-16:00


报告摘要: The approach for Poisson bialgebras characterized by Manin triples with respect to the invariant bilinear forms on both the commutative associative algebras and the Lie algebras is not available for giving a bialgebra theory for transposed Poisson algebras. Alternatively, we consider Manin triples with respect to the commutative 2-cocycles on the Lie algebras instead. Explicitly, we first introduce the notion of anti-pre-Lie bialgebras as the equivalent structure of Manin triples of Lie algebras with respect to the commutative 2-cocycles. Then we introduce the notion of anti-pre-Lie Poisson bialgebras, characterized by Manin triples of transposed Poisson algebras with respect to the bilinear forms which are invariant on the commutative associative algebras and commutative 2-cocycles on the Lie algebras, giving a bialgebra theory for transposed Poisson algebras. This is a joint work with Guilai Liu.
